package com.gain.api; /** * Title: Margin Trader Development * Description: * WebServicesUtil provides utilities methods to connect * to ASP.NET based web services via the HTTP GET Method * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001 * Company: Gain Capital * @author Phil Cave * @version 1.0 * Date 02 July 2002 */ /* @PHILCAVE - Added File */ /** * Java Imports */ import*; import*; import java.util.*; /** * WebServiceUtil Class * Provides utility functions to call ASP.NET Web Services using HTTP GET Request. */ public class WebServiceUtil { static private String className="WebServiceUtil"; static private int RESPONSE_BUFFER_INIT_SIZE = 512; static private int MAX_TRYS = 5; static private int DELAY_SLEEP_MS = 1000; /** * callWebService - calls the ASP.NET service on the specified host with the query string * parameters. * @returns XML Repsonse of the web service call or null on failure */ public static String callWebService( String host, String webService, String queryString, String method ) { // locals int tries = 0; boolean bPosting = ( method.toUpperCase().compareTo("POST") == 0) ; String webServiceURL; // work out the URL depending on the method if( bPosting ) webServiceURL = host + "/" + webService; else webServiceURL = host + "/" + webService + "?" + queryString; EventLog.logDebug( className, "Connecting to Web Service: " + webServiceURL + " " + method ); do { tries++; try { // Construct a URL of the WebService + paramters URL webServiceAddress = new URL( webServiceURL ); URLConnection serviceConnection = webServiceAddress.openConnection(); // Set the HTTP connection parameters serviceConnection.setDoInput(true); serviceConnection.setDoOutput( bPosting ); // using output if were posting serviceConnection.setUseCaches (false); serviceConnection.setDefaultUseCaches (false); // Set the appropiate parameters depending on the connect method if( bPosting ) { serviceConnection.setRequestProperty ("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); serviceConnection.setRequestProperty ("Content-Length", String.valueOf(queryString.length()) ); } else serviceConnection.setRequestProperty ("Content-Type", "xml/text"); // if we are posting the request then send the query string to webservice // changes the method to a POST if( bPosting ) { OutputStream out = serviceConnection.getOutputStream(); out.write( queryString.getBytes() ); out.flush(); out.close(); } // Get the Response into a string for return // Get the input stream reader from the connection BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( serviceConnection.getInputStream() ) ); // Create a string buffer for the repsonse StringBuffer data = new StringBuffer( RESPONSE_BUFFER_INIT_SIZE ); String line = in.readLine(); while( line != null ) { data.append( line ); line = in.readLine(); } in.close(); // Get the data into a string format String response = data.toString(); // Log the reponse and return the data EventLog.logDebug( className, "WebService returned data: " + response ); return( response ); } catch (Exception e) { EventLog.log( className, "Error executing Webservice URL: " + webServiceURL ); EventLog.logException( className, e ); try { Thread.sleep(DELAY_SLEEP_MS ); } catch ( Exception ex ) {} } } while ( ( tries < MAX_TRYS ) ); return null; } }